
Reducing Paper, Increasing Efficiency: SD Pro® Updates

Updates to SD Pro PreFlight and PostFlight increase efficiency and reduce paper

There are numerous reasons in today’s world to “go paperless.” From efficiency to environmental sustainability, SD recognizes the value that digitization can bring. One of our goals is to enable paperless flight departments, which has resulted in the integration of configurable digital checklists for our PreFlight and PostFlight modules within the SD Pro® digital operations system. The checklists provide the option to define which tasks should be included at each stage of the operation, who should be performing them when, and the ability to mark them as completed. Each item is time- and date-stamped for accountability and creates a digital trail for the flight department. We hope that this will ensure clipboards and paper checklists will soon be a thing of the past as the efficiencies presented by a synchronized digital PreFlight and PostFlight check list are welcomed.

Integration of configurable digital checklists for our PreFlight and PostFlight modules within the SD Pro digital operations system

Duty time modules operate more efficiently when digitized as increased functionality is delivered. We have updated our module to provide an enhanced user experience by adding the ability to cross over the 24:00 mark for a given duty day which supports efficient multi-day duty management. The module now also supports management of multiple duty periods within a 24-hour cycle. This enables accurate auto-calculating of duty hours for crew to ensure more efficient crew operations. Users also have the ability to overwrite calculated, or enter additional, duty as needed.

Duty time modules operate more efficiently when digitized as increased functionality is delivered

For more information, contact our SD Pro team today!
